The professional orientation can direct the career towards a job that can be not only safer and more remunerative but, above all, more exciting.
Effective career guidance, also through career coaching paths, can define the strategy you will use in the job market to find a job to do with passion.
Let's take two extremes as a reference:
a completely alienating job, of which you don't care
a job that corresponds exactly to your desires and passions, such as that of the creative (artist, singer).
In reality, there are infinite nuances between these two borderline cases, but a good professional orientation must start from some considerations in these circumstances:
in the first case, when the work does not correspond to the passion or desire, it usually happens that you spend 6-12 hours of work every day doing something that someone else asks of you; it can be independent work, what a sense that it allows you a certain degree of autonomy, even if it is an "employee", because in any case you have to correspond to an external request; this means that in this condition you will give thousands of hours of your time in exchange for money; it is a question, therefore, of a time that is not "lost" because you have money in exchange, but "lost";
in the second case, that is work = passion, there are several advantageous conditions: those who are in this condition, in fact, have several advantages: they certainly follow their passion instead of doing a job against their will and often earn a lot; moreover, it is generally a much safer activity because it creates a “solid” figure in the job market, in continuous professional growth; but there is another aspect, fundamental compared to everything else: when you have a job you like, you live in a perfect condition, one for which you do not waste time working, in most cases, but add time; your life, therefore, doubles; the time of those who do what they like, therefore, is an "added" time.
So what considerations do you have to make when, for example through a career coaching path, you follow a professional orientation that can define your job search strategy?
In summary, there are two ways of living: those who work doing something they don't like, and then sell their time to perform an alienating job. In the time he has left he will spend what he has gained in the time he has lost. We are talking about the so-called “free time”, which is complementary to the “lost” time; that is, those who have wasted time, selling it, occupy it in their free time, which is an empty time, a recovery time, residual, always much less than the time lost.
Those who, on the other hand, do a job where they follow their passions, have neither wasted nor free time, but "added" time, because they can work up to 20 consecutive hours, as a musician can compose straight away for 20 hours, but the enthusiasm with which he does that job does not allow either to waste time or have free time but to have more time to do what he would do anyway, out of passion.
Effective career guidance must therefore start from this question: even where I want to apply for positions as an employee, what would be the best professional opportunities for me? Which ones could allow me to sell my time for a significant amount, without completely wasting the time sold, but trying to find a job where the passion component enters at least in part?
Online coaching services can help you reflect on these aspects to define a professional project and take the first steps towards its realization.
In this article find more info on "work engagement".